Comfort during the interview?

Every day, we asked the enumerators to answer few questions related to their field experience:

  • How comfortable did you feel today during the interview?

  • Was it easy to communicate with the households?

  • How easy it was to be understood?

  • How did you describe the attitude of the respondent during the inteview?

General overview

Up to date, we collected 615 responses from 88 different enumerators. All questions were generally answred, with less 2% missing values concerning comfortability and easyness, 10% missing answers for the questions related to understanding, and 1.5% missing answers for the questions related to respondents’ attitude and feelings.

For quantitative questions the number of unique values/responses is within the expected range.

Overall statistics

There are two numerical columns, where enumerators were asked to provide a score (between 0 and 10).


Question: How comfortable did you feel asking the respondents questions today? Most people respondend with 8 or more this can be confirmed with the fact that the 25th percentile is 7 whereas the 50% percentile is 9


Question: How difficult was it to make yourself understood? The mean is at around 6. However, with a standard deviation of 3.2 one can conclude that most of the datapoints here are not close to the mean.

comfortable understanding
count 605.000000 554.000000
mean 8.228099 6.353791
std 1.900036 3.215204
min 0.000000 0.000000
25% 7.000000 4.000000
50% 9.000000 7.000000
75% 10.000000 9.000000
max 10.000000 10.000000

Qualitative and open questions

  • Easyness & Issues: More than 90% of the respondents found it easy to communicate with the respondents in general. Around 43% responses are associated with No issues.

  • Explanations & Additional Info: Most of the questions related to explanation empty is the most common answer.

  • Respondents’ Attitudes/Feelings: A combination of collaboration, trust and comfort accounts close to 20% of all 69 possible combinations.


Overall responses: The comfortability is left-skewed with more than 70% reporting a score of 7+

Overview by company

Reported level of comfort in each company

Open questions

English interviews

Answers when comfortable score less or equal to 5


Negative words: Difficult, failed, little, distrust, hide, problem are common.

Answers when comfortable score greater or equal to 8


Positive words: Comfortable, understood, open, willing, welcoming/ed, confidence/t, honest, easy/easily, friendly, interested, positivel, well, good,..

French interviews

Answers when comfortable score less or equal to 5


Negative words: Peu, embarrassante, tabous

Answers when comfortable score greater or equal to 8


Positive words: Bonne, connaissance, maitrise, ouverts, l’ aise, bien compris, disponible, simple, ouverts, cooperatifs, …